Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) | Nexigen®

Knowing what's inside – the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)


We see the decarbonization of the value chain as a special opportunity. More and more of our customers and partners share this view and are making sustainable purchasing decisions in order to cut CO2 emissions and in turn develop "greener" products. If you want to build sustainable and transparent value chains, you need to know the carbon footprint of the individual products. This is where Klöckner & Co offers its customers an innovative solution:


Our proprietary and independently certified Nexigen® PCF Algorithm calculates the individualized product carbon footprint from raw material extraction to the cradle-to-customer entry gate for nearly all of our approximately 200,000 products, not just for individual parts. This means that the greenhouse gas emissions of almost every product purchased can be precisely tracked down to the kilogram - a major advantage for our customers in the competition to establish sustainable value chains.

Thanks to the Nexigen® PCF Algorithm, our customers can make their purchasing decisions based on transparent values and implement their decarbonization strategy with Klöckner & Co and in turn create greener products.


Everything at a glance - Our PCF Declaration


By selecting their product, our customers can directly opt for the Product Carbon Footprint. They then receive the value, including all important details, in the form of a clear Product Carbon Footprint Declaration after delivery of our goods. If you have any questions about the PCF Declaration, more than 700 trained sales staff from our Green Steel Sales Force are available to advise our customers as part of Klöckner & Co's Sustainable Advisory Services (SAS).



What our PCF Declaration contains:

✓ The product carbon footprint from raw material extraction to production and transport emissions from our warehouse to the customer's factory gate*

✓ TÜV Süd seal: Our calculation method is officially certified (ISO 14067, ref. ISO 14040 and 14044)

✓ Unique product affiliation: Detailed product information such as batch, order number, and delivery number

* Emissions are stated in CO2e or CO2 equivalents. After all, the manufacturing process for a product not only produces the greenhouse gas CO2 , but also gases such as methane, nitrous oxide or hydrofluorocarbon. To see at a glance what footprint a product leaves behind, these gases are converted into CO2 according to their greenhouse effect. This produces the unit CO2e.


This is how the Product Carbon Footprint facilitates decisions by our customers


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Seizing the opportunities of transformation


We support our customers in this by helping to build sustainable value chains. Thanks to the certified Nexigen® PCF Algorithm calculation method, our customers receive valuable information on the CO2 footprint* of their product purchased from us. Based on this, we help our customers to calculate and provide the total emissions of their product to their customers in a transparent manner. At the same time, with each PCF declaration and a concrete footprint, we always create an incentive for our customers to choose an even more sustainable product variant within our portfolio.

* The calculation of the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) is based on manufacturer data and Klöckner emissions data. Where this (in particular manufacturer data) is not available, qualified database information on CO₂e emission factors, production factors and plant/location information as well as derived estimates, e.g. on production or transport, are used as a supplement. For further information on the calculation method, please contact your local representative.


And this is how it works


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Request PCF ✓

Calculation ✓

Receiving the declaration as a PDF ✓

By selecting their desired product, our customers can opt to have their individualized CO2 footprint included in the form of our PCF Declaration for a small additional charge. 

After the product is delivered at the customer's factory gate, we use the Nexigen® PCF Algorithm to calculate the footprint, including transportation to the factory gate.

Our customers then receive the PCF Declaration digitally.

Mobile version

Step 1

Request PCF ✓

By selecting their desired product, our customers can opt to have their individualized CO2 footprint included in the form of our PCF Declaration for a small additional charge.

Step 2

Calculation ✓

After the product is delivered at the customer's factory gate, we use the Nexigen® PCF Algorithm to calculate the footprint, including transportation to the factory gate.

Step 3

Receiving the declaration as a PDF ✓

Our customers then receive the PCF Declaration digitally.


The advantages of the Nexigen® PCF Algorithm


Customized footprint

Whether coils, sheets, blanks or steel beams: with the help of our Nexigen® PCF Algorithm, we can determine the individual CO2 footprint for nearly all of our 200,000 products as well as the transport routes to the different locations of our customers.

From raw material extraction to the factory gate of our customers

With the Nexigen® PCF Algorithm, we take all emissions into account: From raw material extraction and production to processing, storage and delivery through our logistics.

Everything important at a glance

Thanks to our digital PCF Declaration, customers receive reliable and transparent information about the CO2 footprint of the products they buy from us.

Concrete figures black on white

Rough estimates for the footprint of a product are a thing of the past. This saves time and resources.

Reliable and certified calculation method

Our process for calculating the CO2 footprint is TÜV Süd-certified and complies with ISO standards 14067, ref. ISO 14040 and 14044, as well as the GHG Protocol.


This is how the product carbon footprint is created



We make our customers pioneers


With us, our customers get the next generation of CO₂-reduced steel and metal solutions today. Our Nexigen® categorizations for steel, aluminum and stainless steel provide initial guidance on their CO2 footprint and help them make informed choices about products from the most sustainable categories.







Are you curious and would like to learn more about our PCF Declaration or our CO2-reduced products and services? Then write to us. We look forward to hearing from you!


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